Centre users have thanked Charis Cancer Care for providing seven years of loving care

In a series of personal tributes which have been grouped together to create a DVD, the importance of the centre shines through. It’s described as a ‘haven of peace’ with a team of professionals who deliver ‘a welcome that changed my life around’.

Local singer songwriter Justin McGurk who wrote the song: ‘If I Could Take Your Place’ which features in the DVD wanted to share the journey that he and his wife Roisin went through after she was diagnosed with breast cancer and how Charis Cancer Care helped. Justin says:

“After Roisin’s Cancer diagnosis there was a period of real fear and uncertainty about the future. When we were introduced to Charis Cancer Care, we embraced the services they offered. Charis provided us with holistic therapies such as Reflexology and Massage, counselling and dietary advice.”

Charis provides Complementary Cancer Care which supports people diagnosed with cancer, their families and loved ones. One service user summed it up by saying: “After finding Charis, cancer no longer dominated my thoughts.”

If you are affected by cancer and seeking a caring and holistic approach offering psychological, physical and practical support, please contact Centre Director Imelda McGucken.



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