Groups & Events
Cooking Group with Bernie Clerkin
Healthy Cooking Workshops
Many people feel they would like to know more about nutrition after cancer has been diagnosed. Healthy eating can improve self-confidence and reduction in fatigue. At Charis we believe that food plays a significant role in our lives. Good food has the potential to be revitalizing, comforting and restorative and is vital for our wellbeing.
The focus on healthy eating and cookery demonstrations delivered to small groups of clients in Charis has several benefits.
A range of dishes are made to educate on the benefits of a balanced diet.Tips are given on how to modify recipes to support dietary guidelines e.g. incorporating more fruit and vegetables into the diet and reducing saturated fat, salt and sugar. The use of labour-saving equipment is incorporated into cookery demonstrations to maximise nutritional content of meals and encourage cooking from scratch with minimal effort.
Skills are demonstrated to encourage quick, healthy meal preparation using a range of fresh and convenient ingredients and ideas/recipes shared with the client groups.
Food which is prepared is sampled by client groups, allowing for social interaction around the table. Friendships are forged and clients can discuss individual experiences with likeminded people in a relaxed environment. Overall, healthy cooking/eating educates and contributes holistically to the health and wellbeing of clients who use the services offered by Charis.